Preparation and Application of Pape Transparent Agent
关键词:  透明剂  透明度  透明纸  物理强度
Key Words:transparent agent  transparency  transparent paper  physical strength
田龙钢 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津300457 
高玉杰 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津300457 
高立敏 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津300457 
袁晓娇 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津300457 
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摘要:采用复配法制备了纸张透明剂,并对透明剂的性质及其应用性能进行了系统研究。透明剂的性能可以在常温和较长时间内保持稳定,不会出现溶液分层或浑浊等现象。采用优选出的透明剂处理纸张后,纸张透明度可达到70%以上,相比原纸,透明度提高30个百分点以上,但同时纸张强度性能有所下降。透明剂可在常温下快速渗透,最佳浸渍时间为5 s。扫描电镜分析表明,透明剂可有效存留于纸张内部,填充纤维间的空隙,黏附在纤维表面。
Abstract:In this paper, the GWT transparent agent was prepared with complex formulation and the properties and applications of the transparent agent were studied in detail. The GWT transparent agent was a pale yellow emulsion with solids content 30% wt, refractive index 1.51 and viscosity 18.8mPa·s at 25℃. The GWT transparent agent could keep a stable property without layering and feculent in a long time under room temperature. The transparency of the paper treated with GWT transparent agent increased by 32.95% compared to the base paper, namely from 38.66% to 71.61%. At the same time, the mechanical strengthes of the paper were decreased. The transparent agent can be permeated into the paper rapidly under room temperature, the optimal permeating time was 5 seconds. The scanning electron microscopy analysis showed that, the transparent agent had a good retention rate in base paper with its adhesive ability to the fiber surface, and also the transparent agent could fill in the interspace beteeen the fibers.
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