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稀释水水力式流浆箱横幅定量控制执行器设计 |
Design of Cross Direction Basis Weight Control Actuator of Dilution Water Hydraulic Headbox |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.05.009 |
关键词: 横幅定量 稀释水水力式流浆箱 S形速度曲线 执行器 |
Key Words:cross-direction basis weight dilution water headbox S-curve of speed actuator |
基金项目: |
作者 | 单位 | 王博1,2 | 1.陕西科技大学轻工与能源学院,陕西西安,710021 2. 陕西农产品加工技术研究院,陕西西安,710021 | 汤伟1,2 | 1.陕西科技大学轻工与能源学院,陕西西安,710021 2.陕西农产品加工技术研究院,陕西西安,710021 | 董继先1,2 | 1.陕西科技大学轻工与能源学院,陕西西安,710021 2.陕西农产品加工技术研究院,陕西西安,710021 | 王樨2,3 | 2.陕西农产品加工技术研究院,陕西西安,710021 3.陕西西微测控工程有限公司,陕西咸阳,712081 | 王锋4 | 浙江力诺流体控制科技股份有限公司,浙江瑞安, 325200 |
摘要点击次数: 7349 |
全文下载次数: 2362 |
摘要:针对国外稀释水水力式流浆箱的横幅定量控制执行器存在价格高,国内产品存在精度低、集成度不高等现状,研制了新型板式集成化控制器,使用单片机四路高速脉冲复用端口控制4台执行器的步进电机驱动器;针对步进电机存在的丢步、过冲现象研究了使用S形速度曲线处理阀门在加速和减速阶段的运动提高了阀门精度的方法;使用高精度电位器测量阀位反馈到模拟量复用端口进行采集处理,使用总线对阀门进行远程控制,控制器内的一块单片机能控制4台执行器,提高了控制器的集成度和实用性。 |
Abstract:Considering high price of imported and low accuraly and integration of domestic products of cross direction basis weight actuator of dilution water headbox, a new type of circuit board integrated controller was developed. In order to improve the accuracy of valve, using S-curve of speed to treat the lose step and overshoot of the drive element. The controller used the MCUs four-channel multifunction high-speed pulse port controlled the stepper motor drive chips, the valves position signal were measured by high precision potentiometer and sent to the MCUs multifunction analog input channel port via the multifunction port of analog to collect the valve position. The controllers were connected together by communication bus; a single controller could control four dilution water valves, which improved the integrated level and applicability. |
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