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西门子MPC在流浆箱控制中的应用 |
The Application of Siemens MPC in Air-cushioned Headbox |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.05.011 |
关键词: 流浆箱 多变量预测控制 PCS 7 西门子 |
Key Words:headbox multi-variable predictive control PCS 7 Siemens |
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摘要点击次数: 6467 |
全文下载次数: 2629 |
摘要:采用成熟的先进控制策略优化流浆箱的控制是造纸行业自动化系统的一项重要课题,本文基于西门子DCS系统中集成的、针对小型MIMO对象的多变量模型预测控制功能块MPC(Model Predictive Control),探索其在气垫式流浆箱控制中的应用。应用过程和结果表明,对于气垫式流浆箱,集成式的MPC可以在较低的投入成本下实现很好的控制效果,该方案具有较高的推广应用价值。 |
Abstract:In the PCS 7 system, which is the DCS platform of Siemens, a special control block MPC is offered for the small MIMO object, this block can realize the multi-variable model predictive control strategy. This paper introduced a solution to use MPC on air-cushioned headbox. The result of application proved that the integrated MPC block could control the air-cushioned headbox very well, even more the investment was very low compare with the stable control result. |
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