Effects of Coated Art Paper Broke Recycling on Retention and Drainage of the Slurry
关键词:  铜版纸  损纸回用  留着率  滤水性能
Key Words:art coated paper  broke recycling  retention  drainage
崔志平1 1.齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室, 山东济南, 250353 
李宗全1,* 1.齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室, 山东济南, 250353 
张凤山1,2 1.齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术省部共建教育部重点实验室, 山东济南, 2503532.华泰集团有限公司,山东广饶, 257335 
秦梦华2,3 2.华泰集团有限公司,山东广饶, 257335 3.泰山学院,山东泰安,271000 
王 保2 2.华泰集团有限公司,山东广饶, 257335 
刘燕韶2 2.华泰集团有限公司,山东广饶, 257335 
王海荣2 2.华泰集团有限公司,山东广饶, 257335 
摘要点击次数: 6359
全文下载次数: 1858
Abstract:A large amount of broke is recycled during the coated art paper production, and the broke recycling would affect the wet end environment and the properties of final products. The effects of the art coated broke recycling on the first pass retention, filler retention and drainage properties of the slurry were studied while CPAM-bentonite retention system was applied, and the factors affecting the slurry retention were investigated with orthogonal experimental design. The results showed that art coated broke recycling negatively affected the retention and drainage of the slurry. With the increase of the recycled broke pulp, the first pass retention, filler retention and drainability of the slurry decreased. The addition of CPAM and PAC could improve the retention and drainage of the slurry. The primary factor affecting slurry retention was CPAM dosage, and then the amount of broke pulp and PAC dosage. The increase of CPAM and PAC dosage could improve the slurry retention as the recycled art coated broke pulp increased.
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