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草木混合浆高速印刷用纸的生产试验 |
Production of Printing Paper for High Speed Printer by Using Mixed Straw-wood Pulps |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.07.010 |
关键词: 草木混合浆 高速印刷用纸 打浆指标 浆网速比 |
Key Words:mixed straw-wood pulps high speed printing paper index of pulp pulp network speed |
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摘要点击次数: 6387 |
全文下载次数: 1914 |
摘要:通过对浆料配比、磨盘选型、打浆度、填料种类和用量、浆网速比和干燥曲线及施胶量的试验分析对比,确定了草木混合浆生产高速印刷用纸的生产工艺。生产的纸张产品不仅能满足高速印刷的要求,而且该工艺技术稳定、投资少,经济效益高。 |
Abstract:By comparing the influence of stock, refiner, refining parameter, fillers, jet-wire speed ratio, methods of drying and sizing process on the product quality, the production technology of the printing paper used for high speed printer by using mixed straw-wood pulps was determined. The technology not only could produce the qualitied product meeting high speed printer requirement, but also ensured the stable production with low investment and high economic efficiency. |
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