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竹材蒸煮同步除硅研究及黑液结垢性能初步评价 |
Bamboo Cooking with Simultaneous Desilication of the Black Liquor by Using Calcium & Aluminate Salts |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.08.004 |
关键词: 蒸煮同步除硅 竹浆黑液 结垢 |
Key Words:simultaneous silicon-remove cooking bamboo pulping black liquor scaling |
基金项目:本项目由国家十二五科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD23B02)、国家自然科学基金(20876092)、陕西科技大学学术带头人团队基金项目(2013XSD25)资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 6641 |
全文下载次数: 2115 |
摘要:研究了以偏铝酸钠和氧化钙分别作为除硅剂在竹材蒸煮中同步除硅的作用效果,并初步评价了黑液中残余铝离子和钙离子对黑液结垢性能的影响。实验表明,成浆段添加氧化钙和偏铝酸钠都显示出留硅效果,偏铝酸钠的留硅效果优于氧化钙。当偏铝酸钠的用量为1.5%(对绝干原料)时,黑液硅含量为0.36 g/L,硅去除率为68.19%。氧化钙的加入引入了可溶性钙离子,对黑液的结垢带来不利的影响。偏铝酸钠作为除硅剂的加入,可以得到较高的除硅率,同时黑液中残留铝离子含量很低,不会对黑液的结垢造成很大影响。 |
Abstract:In this paper, the effects of calcium and aluminate salts on simultaneous desilication of the black liquor in bamboo pulping were studied. Furthermore, the influence of residual calcium and aluminum ions in black liquor on the scaling properties of the black liquor was evaluated. The results showed that it was effective to remove silica from the black liquor using calcium oxide and sodium aluminate in the cooking process. The desilication effect of sodium aluminate was better than that of calcium oxide. The silica concentration was 0.36 mg/L in the black liquor and desilication rate was 68.19% when sodium aluminate dosage was 1.5% (on oven dried saw material). Some soluble calcium ions remained in the black liquor when calcium oxide was used which negatively affected the scaling properties of the black liquor. Using aluminate salts as desilication agent had high silica removal efficiency, the content of aluminum ions in the black liquor was very low which would not influence the scaling property of the black liquor. |
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