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铸铁扬克烘缸缸面应力特征及水平分析 |
Cast Iron Yankee Cylinder Surface Stress Characteristics and Level Analysis |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.08.008 |
关键词: 铸铁压力容器 扬克烘缸 规范 标准 |
Key Words:pressure vessel cast iron Yankee dryer codes standards |
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摘要点击次数: 6613 |
全文下载次数: 2349 |
摘要:卫生纸机上使用的扬克烘缸与多缸纸机的烘缸有很大不同,由于其尺寸大、缸壁厚、操作压力高、单缸一次完成干燥过程而引起缸面温度变化较大,这些因素的存在增加了扬克烘缸的使用风险。本文通过分析扬克烘缸的应力条件,结合标准和规范要求,以实例做计算,从扬克烘缸的设计载荷开始,对温差应力和应力集中进行定量分析。结果表明,温差应力和应力集中现象在大型烘缸设计中要给予足够的重视,才能降低事故风险。 |
Abstract:The Yangkee dryer of a toilet paper machine is different from the dryer in a multi-cylinder paper machine. Due to its large size, thick cylinder wall and large temperature changes on the cylinder surface when a single cylinder dries paper, the risk of using a Yangkee dryer increases. The quantity analysis of the stress caused by the temperature differences and the stress concentration beginning with the load design was conducted by practical calculations under the requirements of the corresponding codes and standards. The findings showthat it is essential to pay due attention to the stress caused by temperature differences and the stress concentration in designing big dryers to reduce accidental risks. |
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