Finite Element Analysis of the Influence of Working Condition and Structure Parameters on Dynamic Characteristic of the High-speed Paper Machine Roller
关键词:  高速纸机  辊筒  动力学  特性  有限元分析
Key Words:high speed paper machine  roller  dynamics  character  finit element analysis
高致富1 1.神华神东电力有限责任公司, 陕西神木, 719300 
张 锋2 2.陕西科技大学轻工与能源学院, 陕西西安, 710021 
焦 伟2 2.陕西科技大学轻工与能源学院, 陕西西安, 710021 
摘要点击次数: 6493
全文下载次数: 2060
Abstract:With the continuous increasing of paper machine speed, roller dynamic performance is very important and it will limit the increase of paper machine speed. The paper analyzed different working conditions and structure parameters and researched dynamic characteristics of dry felt guide roller by using the finite element software ANSYS workbench. It was emphatically investigated that the impact of the length, diameter, wall thickness and bearing supporting stiffness on the dynamic characteristics of the roller. The analysis results indicated that the roller length had greater influence on its dynamic characteristics, and increasing diameter and wall thickness could improve amplitude, but support rigidity almost had no effect on it. Reducing paper machine width and increasing roller diameter could improve the speed, wall thickness affected most obviously the vibration amplitude of the roller.
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