Domestication of Aerobic Activated Sludge Using for Washing/Bleaching Effluent Treatment in the Presence of Fe3+
关键词:  Fe3+  制浆中段废水  好氧活性污泥  驯化
Key Words:Fe3+  washing/bleaching effluent  aerobic activated sludge  domestication
蓝惠霞1,2 1.青岛科技大学环境与安全工程学院,山东青岛,266042
耿士文1 1.青岛科技大学环境与安全工程学院,山东青岛,266042 
李慧洁1 1.青岛科技大学环境与安全工程学院,山东青岛,266042 
王传路3 3.青岛科技大学化工学院,山东青岛,266042 
王晓红1 1.青岛科技大学环境与安全工程学院,山东青岛,266042 
兰善红4 4.东莞理工学院化学与环境工程学院,广东东莞,523808 
摘要点击次数: 6118
全文下载次数: 1710
摘要:研究了Fe3+存在下处理制浆中段废水的好氧活性污泥的驯化过程。首先通过Fe3+对微生物生长曲线的影响确定Fe3+最佳用量为30 mg/L;然后在Fe3+用量为30 mg/L下,采用制浆中段废水对好氧活性污泥进行驯化,并设置不加Fe3+的空白组对照。结果表明,整个驯化过程中,加Fe3+组CODCr去除率和污染物去除率(以UV-254减少率表示)均高于空白组;驯化结束后,加Fe3+组和空白组CODCr去除率分别达78.2%和76.0%,污染物去除率分别为50.0%和37.7%。通过对脱氢酶活性的分析表明,加Fe3+组活性高于空白组。
Abstract:Domestication of aerobic activated sludge using for washing/bleaching effluent in the presence of Fe3+ was studied. Firstly, the optimal dosage of Fe3+ was determined as 30mg/L by the experiment of effect of Fe3+ on microbial growth curve. Then, the aerobic activated sludge in the reactor was domesticated by washing/bleaching effluent with Fe3+ dosage of 30mg/L, another reactor without Fe3+ was as control. In the entire process of domestication, COD and UV-254 removal efficiencies of the effluent with iron ion were higher than that of the control sample, and COD removal efficiencies of the two effluents were 78.2% and 76.0%, UV-254 removal efficiencies were 50.0% and 37.7% respectively at the end of domestication. The analysis of the dehydrogenase activity in the reactor with iron ions was higher than that of the control reactor.
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