Pulping and Bleaching Performances of Mixed Mulberry Branches-Eucalyptus Slab Raw Material
关键词:  桑枝  混合浆  ODEp漂白
Key Words:mulberry branches  mixed pulp  ODEp bleaching
徐 峻 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东广州,510640 
刘 鹏 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东广州,510640 
匡奕山 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东广州,510640 
莫立焕 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东广州,510640 
李 军* 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东广州,510640 
摘要点击次数: 6605
全文下载次数: 1885
Abstract:The kraft pulping and ODEp bleaching performances of mixed mulberry branches-eucalyptus slab raw material with various mulberry branches ratio were studied. The result indicated that there was relatively big difference in the chemical composition between mulberry branches and eucalyptus slab. Mulberry branches had lower content of holocellulose than eucalyptus slab, but had higher content of lignin and the longer fiber length. Under the same pulping and bleaching process conditions, mulberry branches were more difficult to be bleached compared with eucalyptus slab. Higher proportion of mulberry branches in the raw material resulted in higher Kappa number and lower brightness of the pulp. The mixed pulp had a good bleachability when the proportion of nulberry branches were lese than 30%, and the oxygen delignification rate was more than 40%, and the brightness of bleached pulp was higher than 78%. In addition, the usage of mulberry branches could improve the viscosity and the tear strength of the mixed pulp, but deteriorate the tensile strength and the burst strength.
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