Preparation of Iron Aluminum Composite Flocculant and Its Application in Papermaking Wastewater Treatment
关键词:  盐酸酸洗废液  复合絮凝剂  造纸废水  COD  色度
Key Words:hydrochloric pickle liquor  composite inorganic polymer coagulant  papermaking wastewater  COD  chroma
杨 硕 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津,300457 
胡惠仁 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津,300457 
惠岚峰 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津,300457 
摘要点击次数: 6900
全文下载次数: 1934
摘要:以盐酸酸洗废液为原料制备了一种复合絮凝剂——聚合氯化硫酸铁铝(PAFSC),并将其应用于造纸废水的深度处理。对PAFSC进行了红外光谱、X射线衍射以及扫描电镜分析,研究了不同应用条件下PAFSC对废水处理效果的影响,并将其与Fenton氧化法和传统絮凝剂进行了对比。结果表明,PAFSC制备过程中发生了聚合反应,形成了大量的铁铝多羟基络合物,进而提升废水处理效果。当PAFSC用量为1.0 mL/L,聚丙烯酰胺用量为1.0 mL/L,废水为中碱性废水时,废水处理效果最优。PAFSC的絮凝效果接近Fenton氧化法的处理效果,明显优于两种传统絮凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚合硫酸铁(PFS),其CODCr去除率分别比PAC和PFS提高了11.7个百分点和20.5个百分点,色度去除率分别比PAC和PFS提高了2.1个百分点和12.8个百分点。
Abstract:A novel composite inorganic polymer coagulant, polymeric aluminum ferric sulfate chloride (PAFSC) was prepared using waste pickling liquor from the steel industry as the raw material. And the PAFSC was then applied to treat paper mill waste water. The structure and morphology of PAFSC were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The comparison between the PAFSC and traditional flocculants or advanced oxidation process was studied. The results showed that the PAFSC generated the iron-aluminum complex with large number of hydroxy complex. When the dosage of this flocculant was 1.0 ml/L, the dosage of the polyacrylamide was 1.0 ml/L, and the waste water was neutral or alkaline, the waste water had the best coagulation performances. Compared with PFS and PAC, PAFSC showed a superior flocculation performance. The coagulation performance of PAFSC was similar to the performance of Fenton oxidation technology.
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