二维码(扫一下试试看!) |
双刀切纸机的负荷分配 |
The Load Distribution of Synchro-fly Cutter |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.11.010 |
关键词: 切纸机 负荷分配 转差率 |
Key Words:cutter load distribution slip |
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摘要点击次数: 5910 |
全文下载次数: 2276 |
摘要:在对双刀切纸机负荷分配产生的原因、负荷分配控制方法分析的基础上,利用可编程序控制器读取送纸辊1电机的实际转矩进行偏差计算,用来调节送纸辊2电机的转差率,实现两个送纸辊电机之间的负荷分配。实践证明这种方法调节容易且能使送纸辊2电机较好地跟随送纸辊1电机转矩的变化,达到负荷分配控制的目的。 |
Abstract:The causes of synchro-fly cutter load distribution and load distribution control method were analyzed. The load distribution between two motors was implemented by adjusting the No.2 motor slip ratio that was obtained using the programmable logic controller to read two motors’ actual torque and conduct deviation calculation. The practice application proved this method easy adjustment and could make No.2 motor torque changes well following the changes of the torque of No.1 motor, so as to control the load distribution. |
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