Optimization of Mulberry Stalk SCMP Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching Process
关键词:  桑枝SCMP浆  H2O2漂白  MODDE
Key Words:mulberry stalk SCMP  hydrogen peroxide bleaching  MODDE
胡玲玉 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
崔富林 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
王 欢 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
梁晓连 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
覃 睿 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
张夏明 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
骆莲新* 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
摘要点击次数: 6155
全文下载次数: 1963
摘要:通过单因素实验探讨漂剂用量、碱比、漂白温度等7个因素对桑枝SCMP浆H2O2漂白的影响;采用MODDE分析软件中Plackett-Burman实验设计方案对7个因素进行显著性筛选评价,获得温度、时间和H2O2用量为影响显著的因素;运用MODDE软件对桑枝SCMP浆H2O2漂白的3个主要影响因素及各自的4个水平进行RSM实验设计及分析。结合单因素实验和MODDE软件获得最佳漂白工艺:温度90℃,时间104 min,浆浓15%,碱比0.7, H2O2用量8%,Na2SiO3用量0.3%,MgSO4用量0.10%。
Abstract:This paper investigated the effect of seven factors (bleaching agent, alkali dosage, bleaching temperature, etc) on mulberry stalk SCMP hydrogen peroxide bleaching through single factor experiment, and evaluated the significances of these seven factors with Plackett-Burman in MODDE. The most significant factors obtained were reaction temperature, time and the amount of hydrogen peroxide. The three main factors and their respective four levels were carried out. The experiment designed and analyzed based on by RSM in MODDE. Finally the optimal bleaching process was obtained as follows: reaction temperature 90℃, reaction time 104 min, pulp consistancy 15%, the alkali ratio and the dosages of H2O2, Na2SiO3, MgSO4 were 0.7, 8%, 0.3% and 0.10%, respectively.
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