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AAA型聚合物表面活性剂的合成及在浮选脱墨中的应用 |
Synthesis of AAA Polymeric Surfactants and Its Application in Flotation Deinking |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2016.01.005 |
关键词: 脱墨剂 α-烯烃磺酸钠 AAA型聚合物表面活性剂 白度 残余油墨量 |
Key Words:deinking agent α-olefin sulfonate AAA polymeric surfactants whiteness residual ink concentration |
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全文下载次数: 2535 |
摘要:以α-烯烃磺酸钠(AOS)、丙烯酸(AA)和烯丙基聚氧乙烯醚(APEG-700)为原料进行自由基水溶液聚合反应,合成了一系列AAA型聚合物表面活性剂并将其用于废纸脱墨。考察其最佳合成工艺,并研究了该产品与非离子表面活性剂复配的脱墨效果。用红外光谱(FT-IR)对所制备的表面活性剂进行分子结构表征,用凝胶渗透色谱分析仪(GPC)测得其分子质量及其分布,通过扫描电镜(SEM)对比其与复配脱墨剂及市售脱墨剂的脱墨效果。结果表明,当n(AOS)∶n(AA)∶n(APEG-700)=1∶3∶1,引发剂用量为2.5%(对单体总质量),聚合温度为80℃,聚合时间为5 h,聚合物pH值为8时,AAA型表面活性剂可达到较好的脱墨效果。将合成产物与月桂醇聚氧乙烯醚(AEO-9)和壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚 (TX-10) 按一定比例复配,当m(AAA)∶m(AEO-9)=2∶1,复配脱墨剂用量为0.2%(其他助剂一定)时,脱墨后纸张白度可达72.4%,残余油墨量为51.2 mm2/m2。 |
Abstract:Using sodium α-olefin sulfonate (AOS), acrylic acid (AA) and allyl polyethylene glycol (APEG-700) as raw materials, a series of AAA polymeric surfactants were synthesized by aqueous solution radical polymerization. The synthesis process was optimized, and the combined deinking performance of AAA polymeric surfactant with nonionic surfactants was investigated. The structure of product was characterized by FT-IR, the relative molecular mass and its distribution of the product were measured by GPC, and the deinking effects of the product, the mixed deinking agents and the commercial deinking agent were compared. It was found that the best deinking effect of the product could be obtained when the preparation conditions was as follows: n(AOS)∶n(AA)∶n(APEG-700)=1∶3∶1, w(APS)=2.5%, reaction temperature 80℃, reaction time 5 h and polymer pH value 8. When the deinking agents of m(AAA)∶m(AEO-9)=2∶1 and dosage was 0.2%, the whiteness of the deinked pulp reached 72.4% and the residual ink concentration was only 51.2 mm2/m2. |
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