Synthesis and Properties of a Flame Retardant Triethanolaminetri (Diphenyl Phosphate) for Paper
关键词:  三乙醇胺三(磷酸二苯酯)  合成  阻燃剂  阻燃测试
Key Words:triethanolaminetri(diphenyl phosphate)  synthesis  retardant  flame test
王祎虹1 1.武汉工程大学化学与环境工程学院,湖北武汉,430073 
石俊龙1 1.武汉工程大学化学与环境工程学院,湖北武汉,430073 
肖兴强2 2.荆门市强生实业有限公司,湖北荆门,448000 
黄齐茂1,* 1.武汉工程大学化学与环境工程学院,湖北武汉,430073 
摘要点击次数: 7250
全文下载次数: 1895
摘要:以二苯氧基磷酰氯和三乙醇胺为原料,通过一步反应合成纸用阻燃剂三乙醇胺三(磷酸二苯酯),采用单因素法研究了物料比、反应时间对阻燃剂得率的影响,表征了阻燃剂的分子结构,并将其应用于纸张的阻燃。结果表明,原料三乙醇胺和二苯氧基磷酰氯的摩尔比为1∶3.0、反应温度为50℃、反应10 h时,产品总得率为92%。将纸张浸渍在阻燃剂中24 h时,纸张的综合性能最佳:氧指数为26.8%,达到难燃级别;燃烧性能测试达合格标准;阻燃性达防焰2级。
Abstract:Novel halogen-free flame retardant triethanolaminetri(diphenyl phosphate) was synthesised by triethanolamine and diphenyl chlorophosphate as raw material. The optimum synthesis conditions including molar ratio and reaction time were studied by the single factor analysis method. The product was characterized by FT-IR and MS spectrometry. The Triethanolaminetri(diphenyl phosphate) flame retardant was applied in the flame retardant paper. Results showed that when the molar ratio of triethanolamine and diphenyl chlorophosphate was 1∶3.0, the reaction temperature was 50℃, the reaction time was 10 h, the final yield of the product reached 92%. The performance of the flame retardant paper which was prepared by soaking in the product for 24 h was excellent, its limiting oxygen index reached 26.8% achieving to the fire retardant level, combustion performance test result met the qualified standard, fire retardant property reached the second level of flameproof.
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