Study on the Drying Rates of Coating Layer of the Sublimation Transfer Paper and the Sublimation Ink
关键词:  热升华转印纸  涂层  干燥  油墨
Key Words:sublimation transfer printing paper  coating layer  drying  ink
童树华 浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司,浙江龙游,324400 
李双晓 浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司,浙江龙游,324400 
孟 育 浙江金昌特种纸股份有限公司,浙江龙游,324400 
摘要点击次数: 7724
全文下载次数: 2282
Abstract:The sublimation transfer printing paper has been used as the intermediate on which the texts or pictures were printed using sublimation-transfer-ink. Under heating and pressurizing condition, the sublimation transfer ink was forced to transfer from paper surface to specific objects. The quality of sublimation transfer paper was determined by the uniform and high-quality coating layer. In this paper, the influences of coating process on drying rate of the coated paper and sublimation result were discussed. The results showed that, the coating materials containing amphoteric solvent were beneficial for drying rate of the coated layer, the drying rate of the sublimation ink and the sublimation transfer effect were improved by the addition of polymer with high cationic degree and the SiO2 filler with high pore volume.
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