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PET沉析浆粕形态及性能研究 |
Study on the Morphology and Property of PET Fibrid |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2016.03.007 |
关键词: PET沉析浆粕 形态 性能 |
Key Words:PET fibrid morphology property |
基金项目:陕西省2015科技统筹创新工程计划(编号:2015KT-CQ01-44)。 |
摘要点击次数: 7040 |
全文下载次数: 1999 |
摘要:以在不同剪切速率下自制的5种PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)沉析浆粕为原料,对其进行光学显微镜观察、比表面积测试及筛分分析,并对这5种浆粕的抄造性能进行了研究。结果表明,PET沉析浆粕的组分主要分布在16~30目之间,R16与R30组分比例之和随剪切速率的提高分别为90.7%、90%、84.8%、80.6%和65.6%,主要长度为0.596~1.192 mm,细小纤维(P200)比例随剪切速率的提高分别为1.9%、2.7%、3.4%、10.4%、25%,沉析浆粕的比表面积也随之增大。当PET沉析浆粕∶PET短切纤维=50∶50时,纸张的抗张指数和耐破指数最大,当PET沉析浆粕∶PET短切纤维=30∶70时,纸张的撕裂指数最大。 |
Abstract:In this paper, 5 kinds of PET fibrid prepared in laboratory were observed under microscope, their specific surface area and fractionation were tested, and their papermaking property was also studied. The result showed that the distribution of PET fibrid’s constituent was mainly in between 16 and 30 mesh, the amounts of this part accounted for 90.7%, 90%, 84.8%, 80.6% and 65.6% respectively as the shearing rate increasing. The length was mainly in between 0.596 mm and 1.192 mm, the proportions of fines passed the sieve accounted for 1.9%, 2.7%, 3.4%, 10.4% and 25% respectively and the specific surface area increased as the shearing rate increasing. When the ratio of PET fibrid∶chopped fiber=5∶5, tensile index and burst index of the paper were the maximal, when PET fibrid∶chopped fiber=3∶7, tear index of the paper was maximal. |
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