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硫酸盐竹浆黑液流变特性及燃烧法除硅的研究 |
Rheological Properties and Desilication during Combustion of Bamboo Kraft Black Liquor |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2016.04.006 |
关键词: 竹浆黑液 流变特性 燃烧法除硅 |
Key Words:bamboo pulping black liquor rheological properties combustion desilication |
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD23B02);国家自然科学基金(20876092);陕西科技大学学术带头人团队基金项目(2013XSD25)。 |
摘要点击次数: 6942 |
全文下载次数: 1936 |
摘要:研究了中高浓硫酸盐竹浆黑液的流变特性以及铝盐燃烧法除硅效果。研究表明,竹浆黑液在0.1~100 s-1的剪切速率范围内近似于非牛顿流体,并且随着剪切速率的改变产生剪切-稀化现象。高固形物含量的竹浆黑液在一定的剪切速率范围内符合幂律区特征。在黑液燃烧法除硅中,铝盐除硅剂用量为2.5%(对固形物含量)时,黑液沉淀物中硅含量为20.15%,具有较好的除硅效果。 |
Abstract:The rheological properties of high concentration bamboo kraft pulping black liquor and the effect of aluminum salts on desilication of black liquor in combustion were studied. The results indicated that bamboo pulping black liquor under the shear rates ranging from 0.1 s-1 to 100 s-1 was approximate to the non-Newtonian fluid and the phenomenon of shear-thinning was obvious. However, bamboo pulping black liquor with high solid content was consistent with the power-law region in a certain range of shear rate and the shear-thinning phenomenon was more evident. Aluminum salts behaved favorable silica removal effects during the black liquor combustion. The SEM-EDAX analysis illustrated the aluminum could react with silicon ions to form the precipitates. |
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