Review on Patent Technology of Paper Document Preservation and Restoration Method
关键词:  纸质文献  脱酸  修补  加固  装裱  保存  修复
Key Words:paper document  deacidification  repaire  reinforcement  mount  preservation  restoration
康素敏 国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作江苏中心,江苏苏州,215163 
摘要点击次数: 6745
全文下载次数: 2548
Abstract:Paper documents record connotation and essence of the history of human civilization, and provide rich raw materials to study the changes of the times, interpretation of history, folk customs, human civilization, social progress, and scientific development. However, with the passage of time, these paper documents due to the internal and external reasons occurred deterioration and damage, the paper document preservation and restoration become the top priority of traditional culture protection. Deacidification, repair, reinforcement, mounting are the key technologies of paper documents preservation and restoration. Through collecting, analyzing, indexing and sort patent technical literature in the field of paper documents preservation and restoration, this paper analyzed the distribution of patented technologies and the patent application in the field, and analyzed respectively the patented technology evolution path of the four technology branches mentioned above. In addition, this paper prospected the further development of the patented technology in the field.
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