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固着剂与助留剂协同控制DCS时的胶体聚集研究 |
Study on the Effect of Combinative Application of Fixing Agent and Retention Aid on Controlling Dissolved and Colloidal Substances in Pulp |
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关键词: 固着剂 助留剂 协同作用 聚焦光束反射测定仪 溶解与胶体物质 |
Key Words:fixing agent retention aid combinative effect focused beam reflectance measurement dissolved and colloidal substances |
基金项目: |
作者 | 单位 | 夏 星1 | 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津,300457 | 刘泽华1 | 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津,300457 | 王立军1,2,3,* | 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津,300457;2.浙江科技学院浙江省废弃生物质循环利用与生态处理技术重点实验室,浙江杭州,310023;3.浙江永泰纸业股份有限公司钱江特聘专家工作站,浙江杭州,311421 | 陈 辉1 | 1.天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室,天津,300457 | 王建华3 | 3.浙江永泰纸业股份有限公司钱江特聘专家工作站,浙江杭州,311421 |
摘要点击次数: 7059 |
全文下载次数: 1936 |
摘要:将固着剂聚胺(PA)、助留剂阳离子聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM)单独以及协同处理旧报纸脱墨浆,采用聚焦光束反射测定仪(FBRM)考察浆料中残余胶体粒子的数量、尺寸及其分布,探讨固着剂与助留剂单独及协同控制溶解与胶体物质(DCS)时的胶体聚集现象。结果表明,实验所用的PA单独处理纸浆时,会产生部分不能固着于纤维或被纤维网络截留的胶体聚集体;CPAM单独处理纸浆时,其电荷容易被DCS中和,导致其降低纸浆胶体粒子数量的效果明显下降,但并不产生胶体聚集体;PA-CPAM协同处理纸浆时,CPAM能将PA预处理纸浆时产生的部分胶体聚集体进一步固着到纤维上,达到更好的降低胶体粒子数量的效果,且不产生更大的胶体聚集体。 |
Abstract:A polyamine (PA) fixing agent, and a cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) retention aid were used individually as well as in combination to treat deinked old newspaper pulp, and focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) were utilized to measure the quantity, size and size distribution of the colloidal particles remained in the pulp, with the objective to elucidate the combinative effect of fixing agent and retention aid on controlling dissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) in papermaking pulp raw material. The results indicated that when the PA was used individually to treat the pulp, some colloidal agglomerates were formed which were not fixed onto fiber or trapped in fiber mat, thus resided in pulp filtrate; when the CPAM is used individually, its charge was neutralized easily by the DCS, therefore, its ability to reduce the quantity of colloidal particles in the pulp was decreased greatly, and the bigger colloidal agglomerates were not formed; when PA and CPAM were used in combination, those agglomerates formed by PA but resided in the aqueous phase were further retained onto fiber by CPAM, therefore, better effect in reducing the quantity of the colloidal particles without forming bigger colloidal agglomerates was achieved. |
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