Improving Enzymatic Hydrolysis Efficiency of Wheat Straw by Oxygen-ionic Liquid-[Emim]Ac Pretreatment
关键词:  麦草  离子液体  氧气  酶解
Key Words:wheat straw  ionicoliquid  oxygen  enzymatic hydrolysis
陈德坤 齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术教育部重点实验室,山东济南,250353 
陈嘉川* 齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术教育部重点实验室,山东济南,250353 
杨桂花 齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术教育部重点实验室,山东济南,250353 
王 强 齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术教育部重点实验室,山东济南,250353 
贾廷鹏 齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术教育部重点实验室,山东济南,250353 
刘姗姗 齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术教育部重点实验室,山东济南,250353 
摘要点击次数: 6538
全文下载次数: 2278
摘要:以麦草为原料,探讨了氧气(O2) 离子液体(1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑醋酸盐,[Emim]Ac)预处理工艺条件,以期提高麦草的酶解效率。结果显示,较适宜的O2-[Emim]Ac预处理条件为:固液比1∶1.5,氧压0.4 MPa,温度130℃,处理时间6 h。在此条件下,经过O2-[Emim]Ac预处理的麦草酶解(酶解条件为:纤维素酶用量30 U/g原料,酶解时间72 h)还原糖得率为65.1%,高于未经预处理麦草酶解还原糖得率5倍以上。扫描电镜、X射线衍射和红外光谱分析表明,O2-[Emim]Ac预处理后麦草纤维表面粗糙,孔隙增加,结构疏松,结晶度降低12.6%。
Abstract:The combined pretreatment of oxygen and ionic liquid-[Emim]Ac to improve the enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency of wheat straw was investigated in this paper. Results showed that the optimal conditions were: ratio of solid to liquid 1∶1.5, oxygen pressure 0.4 MPa, temperature 130 ℃ and treatment time 6 h. Under such conditions, the reducing sugar yield of 65.1% was obtained at cellulase dosage of 30 U/g and enzymatic hydrolysis time 72 h, which was 5 times higher than the unpretreated raw material. Characterization of the treated wheat straw by SEM, XRD and FT-IR analysis showed that its surface became rough and porous, and the crystallinity decreased by 12.6%.
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