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明清时期文化用纸材质初探 |
The Fiber Saw Material of Culture Papers in Ming and Qing Dynasties |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2016.09.008 |
关键词: 明清时期 文化用纸 材质 纤维分析 |
Key Words:Ming and Qing dynasties cultural paper material fiber analysis |
基金项目:2014中央提升王欢欢人才事业发展经费(229545004);2014省级配套科学技术史学科建设经费(229546001)。 |
摘要点击次数: 6975 |
全文下载次数: 2907 |
摘要:造纸术是我国古代重要的技术发明之一,在明清时期手工造纸术达鼎盛。本实验选取16个明清时期的文化用纸样品,通过纤维分析,发现明清时期文化用纸的材质以竹、韧皮纤维(麻、树皮等)为主,延续了中国传统的造纸原料,检测的样品中竹纤维约占56%,反映了明清时期竹纸制造业的繁盛;并在检测样品中检出稻草原料,符合发展趋势;这一时期的明显特色是棉纤维大范围出现于纸张中,与当时棉纺织品的广泛应用有关。 |
Abstract:Papermaking is an important technical invention of China, which achieved great properity in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Sixteen samples of Ming and Qing Dyasties’ paper were analysed in this research, the results indicated that the fiber materials were mainly bamboo, hemp, bast, which were the traditional materials of Chinese paper. Bamboo paper accounted for about 56% in the samples studied, reflecting the prosperity of bamboo paper manufacture in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The obvious characteristic of this period was that the cotton fiber appeared in the paper, and it was related to the wide application of the cotton textile. |
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