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纸浆纤维表面性能及其分析方法研究进展 |
Study Progress of Surface Properties and Its Measuring Methods of Pulp Fibers |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2016.09.014 |
关键词: 纤维素纤维 表面木素覆盖 表面电荷 表面能 比表面积 |
Key Words:cellulosic fiber surface lignin coverage surface charges surface energy |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31370577)。 |
摘要点击次数: 7872 |
全文下载次数: 3560 |
摘要:构成纸张的基本结构单元是纤维素纤维,纤维性能对于纸张的抄造过程以及纸张的性能都起着关键性的作用。其中,纤维表面性能是纤维的一项非常重要的性能,影响着纤维与各种化学助剂的相互作用以及纤维间的结合性能,进而影响纸机的运行性能以及成纸的物理性能。本文主要综述了近几年关于纤维表面化学组成、表面电荷特性、表面能以及比表面积对纤维性能以及纤维成纸特征影响机制的研究成果,对纤维表面性能的分析方法进行了总结。 |
Abstract:Cellulosic fiber is the basic frame work of the paper sheets. The properties of cellulosic fiber are significant for the formation and physical properties of paper sheets. As one of the important characteristics of cellulosic fibers, the surface properties affect the interaction of fiber and chemical additives as well as the inter-fiber bonding capability, which further influence the paper machine runnability and resulting paper sheet properties. In this paper, the recent research findings related to the effects of fiber surface properties (surface chemical composition, surface charge, surface energy, and specific surface area) on paper properties were reviewed, and the measurements methods of fiber surface properties were also involved. |
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