Extraction of Bagasse Pulping Black Liquor by Using Three Stages Countercurrent Pressing System
关键词:  碱回收  蔗渣浆黑液  高浓度提取  机械压榨  逆流压榨
Key Words:alkali recovery  bagasse pulp black liquor  high concentration extraction  mechanical press  countercurrent press
谢雪金 青岛科技大学化工学院,山东青岛,266042 
李双洋 青岛科技大学化工学院,山东青岛,266042 
黎振球* 青岛科技大学化工学院,山东青岛,266042 
摘要点击次数: 6773
全文下载次数: 2845
摘要:采用自行设计的三段逆流压榨系统提取蔗渣浆黑液,该系统不使用滤网和滤孔,采用机械压榨脱水的方式,提高黑液浓度。三段逆流压榨系统分析表明,黑液提取率与原黑液浓度无关,与外补水量和浆浓有关。结果表明,当压浆机的出浆浓度为33%、外补水量为3 t/t浆、喷放池浆浓为10%时,三段逆流压榨系统的黑液提取率为93.65%。
Abstract:In order to improve the extraction rate of black liquor of bagasse pulp, the study analyzed the problem in bagasse pulp black liquor extraction, and used mechanical pressing to realize the extraction of bagasse pulping black liquor in higher concentration. Using the self-designed three stages washing system without filters, the extracted black liquor concentration increased. The system analysis showed that, the extraction rate of the black liquor had nothing to do with the concentration of the original black liquor, which was related to the liquid content of the pulp and the addition of water. On the other hand, by designing presser and presser parameters, the experimental results showed that the output pulp consistency was 33% and the supplementary water was 3 tons per ton of pulp. 10 tons of black liquor could be extracted from 1 ton of pulp, the extraction rate was 93.65%.
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