Analysis on Sizing Degree Test Methods for Tipping Base Paper
关键词:  烟用接装纸原纸  施胶度  检测方法
Key Words:tipping base paper  sizing degree  testing method
梁 冰 牡丹江恒丰纸业股份有限公司黑龙江牡丹江157013 
王 德 牡丹江恒丰纸业股份有限公司黑龙江牡丹江157013 
侯 丽 牡丹江恒丰纸业股份有限公司黑龙江牡丹江157013 
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摘要:目前我国用于检测烟用接装纸原纸施胶度的方法是采用GB/T 1540—2002 纸和纸板吸水性的测定(可勃法),由于烟用接装纸原纸的特殊性,采用该方法检测其施胶度不能准确、真实地反映产品施胶度的要求。本实验对纸张施胶度的不同检测方法——可勃法、动态可勃法、可勃改进法(本方法)、EST法、动态接触角法等进行数据对比和分析讨论,找出采用可勃法检测烟用接装纸原纸施胶度不足的原因并加以改进。结果表明,采用可勃改进法(本方法)检测烟用接装纸原纸施胶度检测精度优于可勃法,其检测精度与EST法、动态接触角法比较接近,由于可勃改进法(本方法)对现有设备无改动、不增加成本,可以满足实际生产和研发的需要。
Abstract:Cobb method is usually used to measure sizing degree of tipping base paper at present, but this method has some defects, it can’t meet the development trend of the tobacco industry. In this study, from the comparison, analysis and discussion of different sizing degree test methods (Cobb method, dynamic Cobb method, modified Cobb method, EST method and dynamic contact angle method) the causes of the defect of Cobb method was found out. By using modified Cobb method to amend the defect, the testing accuracy was close to EST method, at the same time, it didn’t need to purchase new testing instrument and didn’t increased cost, so the further promotion of this method was recommended.
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