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APMP制浆废水处理过程控制系统研究 |
Study on Control System of APMP Wastewater Treatment Process |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2016.11.008 |
关键词: APMP废水处理 专家控制 pH值 溶解氧浓度 |
Key Words:APMP wastewater treatment expert control pH value dissolved oxygen concentration |
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摘要点击次数: 6696 |
全文下载次数: 2081 |
摘要:采用厌氧-好氧组合法对APMP制浆废水进行处理,设计了一套废水处理过程控制系统,阐述了具体的控制方案和采用的控制算法。针对APMP制浆废水处理过程存在大时滞和非线性的控制难点,将前馈专家控制器和PID控制器结合起来控制调制池废水pH值;采用曝气流量均衡控制和溶解氧浓度控制组成串级控制方案,根据溶解氧浓度的偏差大小,将专家控制和PID控制进行切换来控制曝气池的溶解氧浓度。文章还给出了具体的实施方案。实际应用效果证明了这套控制方案的有效性。 |
Abstract:A novel control system was designed for APMP wastewater treatment process using combined anaerobic and aerobic methods. Aiming at severe time-delay and non-linearity of the process, a feed-forward based expert system plus feedback control was applied to control the pH value in the conditioning tank of anaerobic process. A cascade control which was composed of aeration flow balance control and dissolved oxygen concentration control was employed to aerobic reactor, expert control and PID control were switched according to the derivation of dissolved oxygen concentration in different stage. The detailed implement scheme of the system was also presented. The application results showed that this system was effective. |
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