Reuse of Waste Heat of Warm Water Produced at Evaporation Stage of Alkali Recovery Plant
关键词:  制浆造纸  蒸发温水  余热回收  循环利用  节能减排
Key Words:pulp and paper  warm water evaporation  waste heat recovery  recycling  energy conservation and emissions reduction
温永贤 广西农垦集团华垦纸业有限公司,广西来宾546128 
伍俊见 广西农垦集团华垦纸业有限公司,广西来宾546128 
徐昌宝 广西农垦集团华垦纸业有限公司,广西来宾546128 
摘要点击次数: 6879
全文下载次数: 2903
Abstract:The analysis of pulp and paper production process indicated that, the temperature of water supplied from secondary pumping station is lower than 20℃ in winter. It is 5~10℃ lower compared with the water temperature 25~30℃ in summer, which causes the whole production systems at high energy consumption in winter. On the other hand most of the warm water generated from plate heat exchange in the alkali recovery plant was recycled after cooling down to lower than 30℃, it also causes the lose of water heat and increasing energy consumption of (water temperature 45~50℃) the circulating water station cooling tower system. This paper suggested the waste water from evaporation stage back into the clear water reserviors of secondary pumping,to improve the production water temperature in winter, reduce production energy consumption.
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