Study on the Cleaning System for Prevention and Elimination of Scale in Horizontal Tube Falling Film Evaporator
关键词:  水平管降膜蒸发器  长管自旋涡流清洗喷嘴  防除垢  蒸发强度  传热系数
Key Words:horizontal tube falling film evaporator  long tube spin vortex nozzle  prevention and elimination of the scale  evaporation capacity  heat transfer coefficient
王占军1 1.中国林科院林产化学工业研究所,江苏南京,210042 
张华兰1 1.中国林科院林产化学工业研究所,江苏南京,210042 
曹志庆1 1.中国林科院林产化学工业研究所,江苏南京,210042 
路 明2 2.无锡市斯普瑞干燥机厂,江苏无锡,214100 
摘要点击次数: 6598
全文下载次数: 1949
Abstract:Using black liquor as working medium, the paper focused on the research and design of the on-line cleaning system for prevention and elimination of scale in horizontal tube falling film evaporator. The result showed that the on-line cleaning system had obvious effect on the prevention and elimination of scale formation, the capacity and heat transfer coefficient of the evaporator were improved. It could save energy more than 25% and reduce investment more than 25%, and maintain the stability of the concentration of the material at outlet. The main reason is that the on-line cleaning system is controlled by PLC and the long tube spining vortex nozzle can regularly clean the surface of heat exchange tube, keeping high cleanliness of the surface of the tube, evaporation operation no longer needs to switch washing operation in the effects.
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