Study of the Pyrolysis Behavior of the Pulps Used for Cigarette Paper by Solid Phase Micro-extraction Coupled with Pyrolysis-GC-MS
关键词:  卷烟纸  浆料  热裂解
Key Words:cigarette paper  pulp  pyrolysis
张国强1 1.福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,福建厦门,361012 
黄朝章1 1.福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,福建厦门,361012 
罗 靖2 2.厦门烟草工业有限责任公司,福建厦门,361022 
陈笃建1 1.福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,福建厦门,361012 
张颖璞1 1.福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,福建厦门,361012 
李跃锋1,* 1.福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,福建厦门,361012 
摘要点击次数: 7060
全文下载次数: 2009
摘要:为优化卷烟纸浆料配方,满足“低害高香”卷烟的市场需求,通过热裂解/固相微萃取-气相色谱/质谱法(Py/SPME-GC/MS)联用分析8种卷烟纸浆料的热裂解行为,在空气气氛中将浆料分别在不同温度下热裂解后进行固相微萃取,然后采用HP-5 MS毛细管色谱柱对其热裂解产物进行定性分析。结果表明,随着热裂解温度的升高,浆料的热解产物种类也随之增加,逐步出现了呋喃类、酯类、苯酚类、茚类、烃类、苯类、稠环芳烃类及吡喃葡萄糖等物质;在700℃热裂解温度下,巴西鹦鹉阔叶木浆热裂解产生的稠环化合物种类高达12种,2种针叶木浆热裂解后产生醚类物质,2种亚麻浆热裂解产物数量达60种以上。
Abstract:In order to optimize the furnish of cigarette paper for meeting the market demand, the pyrolysis behavior of 8 kinds of common used pulps for cigarette paper was studied by using solid phase micro-extraction (SPEM) coupled with pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry(Py-GC/MS). In air atmosphere, the pulps were pyrolyzed at different temperatures respectively. The pyrolysis products were extracted by SPME and introduced into GC/MS with HP-5MS capillary column, and were qualitatively analyzed. The results showed that with the increasing of the pyrolysis temperatures, the types of the pyrolysis products of three pulps increased,furans, esters, phenols, indenes, alkanes, benzenes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pyranoglucose were appeared step by step. When the pyrolysis was carried out at 700℃, 12 types of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced from Brazil Parrot hardwood pulp, and the pyrolysis products of 2 kinds of softwood pulp contained etheric compound, while the kinds of pyrolysis products of hemp pulp were more than 60.
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