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纤维表面改性对纸基摩擦材料原纸强度性能的影响 |
Effects of the Surface Modification of Fiber on Mechanical Properties of Paper-based Friction Material |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.02.003 |
关键词: 纸基摩擦材料 纤维改性 高温空气氧化 磷酸氧化 纸张层间结合强度 |
Key Words:paper-based friction material fiber modification high-temperature air oxidation phosphoric acid oxidation the sheet bonding strength between the layers |
基金项目:陕西省重点实验室科技计划(12JS018);十三五国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFB0303304);陕西省科技厅统筹创新工程计划项目(2016KTCQ01-87)。 |
摘要点击次数: 6517 |
全文下载次数: 2053 |
摘要:采用高温空气氧化法对碳纤维表面进行改性处理,同时采用磷酸氧化法对芳纶短切纤维表面进行处理,对改性前后的两种纤维分别进行表征;采用芳纶浆粕、竹浆、海泡石绒以及改性前后的碳纤维和芳纶短切纤维混合来抄造纸基摩擦材料原纸;探究纤维的表面改性处理对纸基摩擦材料原纸强度性能的影响。结果表明,改性后的纤维表面产生了很多沟壑,纤维表面粗糙程度增加,纤维表面的接触点和面积更多,结合力更大,同时引入了大量的活性基团;用改性纤维配抄的纸张层间结合强度比未改性纤维配抄的纸张层间结合强度提高了21%。 |
Abstract:In the experiment, air oxidation at high temperature was used to modify the surface of carbon fiber, and phosphoric acid oxidation was used to modify the surface of aramid chopped fiber, the fibers were characterized before and after modification. The aramid pulp, bamboo fiber, sepiolite flocking, modified/unmodified carbon fiber and aramid chopped fiber were mixed to produce paper-based friction material, and the effect of surface modification of the reinforced fibers on the properties of paper-based friction material was studied. The results showed that more ravines appeared on the surface of modified fibers and the roughness of fiber surface increased. There were more contact points and area on the surface of the fiber which resulted in higher bonding. The bonding strength between the layers of sheets which were made by the modified fiber increased by 21% compared to that of fiber without modification. |
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