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厌氧预处理在蔗渣制浆废水好氧生化处理中的应用 |
Application of Anaerobic Pretreatment in Aerobic Biochemical Treatment of Bagasse Pulping Effluent |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.02.008 |
关键词: 蔗渣浆 厌氧预处理 好氧生化处理 废水处理 |
Key Words:bagasse pulp anaerobic pretreatment aerobic biochemical treatment effluent treatment |
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摘要点击次数: 6534 |
全文下载次数: 2763 |
摘要:介绍了蔗渣制浆废水好氧生化处理系统中厌氧预处理技术,简述了该技术的工艺流程、技术参数、运行情况以及技术优势。在好氧系统前段进行厌氧预处理后可降低废水高浓度CODCr,进一步去除无机固形物,确保了好氧系统的稳定运行,提高氧化沟去除效率,降低了深度处理运行费用。 |
Abstract:The application of anaerobic pretreatment in aerobic biochemical treatment of bagasse pulping effluent was introduced in the paper, the technological process, technical parameters, operation condition, and technological advantage were presented. The anaerobic pretreatment could reduce COD and SS, ensured that the stable operation of aerobic system, improved the efficiency of oxidation ditch. It played an important role in reducing cost of advanced treatment system. |
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