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伺服电子凸轮在切纸机切纸辊上的应用 |
Application of Servo Electronic Cam in Paper Cutter Roll |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.02.010 |
关键词: 切纸机 切纸精度 电子凸轮 |
Key Words:paper cutter cutting accuracy electronic cam |
基金项目:西京学院科研基金项目(XJ150213)。 |
摘要点击次数: 6601 |
全文下载次数: 2042 |
摘要:针对切纸机切纸精度低的问题,设计了送纸辊以变频调速控制,在送纸辊后面安装能够准确测量纸张速度的测速轮,将测得纸张的线速度作为伺服控制的主轴速度输送到伺服驱动器,伺服驱动器选择伺服电子凸轮控制的方式驱动切纸辊的运行,使得切纸精度和稳定性得到提升,经过现场调试和长期运行可以将切纸精度控制在±0.5 mm以内。 |
Abstract:In this paper, aiming at the problem of low cutting accuracy of paper cutter, variable frequency speed control was applied in paper feeding roller, a speed measuring wheel which was capable of accurately measuring the speed of the paper web was installed behind the paper feeding roller, the measured web linear speed as the spindle servo control conveying to the servo driver, the latter selected electronic cam to drive roller cutting operation, the cutting accuracy and stability have been further improved, through on-site commissioning and long-term operation the cutting accuracy could be controlled within ±0.5 mm. |
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