Study on Dilute Acid Hydrolysis of Steam Explosion Waste Paper
关键词:  废纸  稀酸水解  爆破  纤维素
Key Words:Waste paper  hydrolysis  explosion  cellulose
李奇明1 1.大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院,辽宁大连116034 
戚军军1 1.大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院,辽宁大连116034 
韩 颖1,2,* 1.大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院,辽宁大连1160342.齐鲁工业大学制浆造纸科学与技术教育部重点实验室山东济南250353 
周景辉1 1.大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院,辽宁大连116034 
摘要点击次数: 6653
全文下载次数: 1956
摘要:研究了蒸汽爆破(处理)对废纸(旧杂志纸)稀酸水解糖化的影响,首先探讨了未蒸汽爆破的废纸在液固比为100∶1的条件下,不同温度、H2SO4质量分数、水解时间对废纸水解糖化的影响。结果表明,废纸的最佳水解条件为水解温度190℃,H2SO4质量分数4%,水解时间50 min,在该条件下水解得到还原糖浓度为2.88 mg/mL,还原糖得率为52.3%。在此条件下对蒸汽爆破后的废纸进行水解,研究得到最佳蒸汽爆破条件为爆破压力2.2 MPa,压力作用时间10 min,废纸含水量8%。蒸汽爆破后的废纸水解还原糖浓度为4.21 mg/mL,还原糖得率为64.7%,较未蒸汽爆破的废纸提高了12.4%,由此表明蒸汽爆破对促进废纸的水解糖化有明显作用。
Abstract:In this paper, the effect of steam explosion on the preparation of reducing sugar by dilute acid hydrolysis of waste paper was studied. Firstly, the effects of temperature, H2SO4 concentration and hydrolysis time on the hydrolysis of untreated waste paper under the conditions of liquid/solid ratio of 100∶1 was investigated. The results showed that the optimized sulphuric acid hydrolysis conditions were as follows: concentration of sulfuric acid 4%wt,reaction temperature 190℃,reaction time 50 min, the yield of reducing sugar 52.3%. The steam exploded waste paper hydrolysis under optimized hydrolysis conditions, study found that the best condition of steam explosions were: pressure 2.2 MPa, Pressure holding time 10 min, water content of waste paper 8%. The reducing sugar yield in hydrolysis of the steam explosion waste paper was 64.7%, compared with untreated waste paper increased by 12.4%, which suggesting that steam explosion has obvious effect to promote the hydrolysis of waste paper. Finally, the FI-RT, SET and XRD analyses of explosion waste paper were conducted to explained the reason of improved efficiency of hydrolysis of waste paper.
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