Identification, Growth and COD Removal Efficiency of a Preponderant Bacterium for Degradation of Pulping Effluent
关键词:  优势菌  制浆中段废水  鉴定  生长
Key Words:preponderant bacteria  pulping effluent  identification  growth
党亚攀1 1.华南理工大学环境与能源学院工业聚集区污染控制与生态修复教育部重点实验室广东广州510006 
兰善红2,* 2. 东莞理工学院生态环境与建筑工程学院广东东莞523808 
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摘要:本实验从制浆中段废水的活性污泥中分离纯化得到1株优势菌,采用MIDI Sherlock全自动微生物鉴定系统鉴定为缺陷短波单胞菌。研究pH值和温度对该优势菌生长曲线和对制浆中段废水的处理效果发现,该缺陷型短波单胞菌在pH值5、30℃时的生长状况最好,CODCr的去除率最高达38.5%,在pH值为6~8范围内对CODCr也有较好的去除效果,去除率可达30%以上。将该优势菌投加到好氧活性污泥系统中,制浆中段废水的CODCr去除率可提高15%以上。
Abstract:In this paper, a purified strain was isolated from activated sludge of pulping effluent, which was identified as Brevundimonas diminuta by MIDI Sherlock automatic Microbial Identification System. Effect of pH and temperature on the growth curve of the preponderant bacterium the degradation efficiency of pulping effluent were studied. The experimental results showed that the removal efficiency of COD was the best when pH was 5 at the temperature of 30℃. COD removal efficiency reached 38.5%. The removal efficiency also reached a significant level when pH was 6~8, reached up to 30%. The treatment efficiency of pulping effluent by the aerobic activated sludge system increased by more than 10% in the presence of Brevundimonas diminuta.
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