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造纸白泥制备陶瓷滤料的技术研究 |
Application of Lime Mud for Preparation of Ceramsites |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.03.014 |
关键词: 造纸白泥 陶瓷滤料 轻质 多孔 |
Key Words:lime mud ceramsite light weight porous |
基金项目:国家科技型中小企业技术创新基金——造纸碱回收苛化白泥渣综合利用生产装备产业化,编号11C26213201410;江苏省科技型中小企业技术创新基金——造纸碱回收苛化白泥渣资源化利用研究与产业化,编号BC2010156。 |
摘要点击次数: 6681 |
全文下载次数: 2149 |
摘要:造纸白泥为制浆造纸碱回收系统中产生的固体废弃物,主要成分为碳酸钙,属于富钙材料。本研究针对造纸白泥成分特点,分析了利用造纸白泥、粉煤灰及其他添加剂通过成球、煅烧的工艺制备出陶瓷滤料的技术,造纸白泥用量为40%~60%,所制陶瓷滤料堆积密度为0.724~0.783 g/cm3,表观密度为1.085~1.218 g/cm3,显气孔率为49.49%~52.58%,具有轻质多孔的特性;从FESEM图片中可见微米级孔隙,主要矿物相是钙长石和钙铝黄长石。实验验证了陶瓷滤料作为曝气生物滤池的反应器填料处理氨氮废水的效果,开发了造纸白泥增值化利用的新途径。 |
Abstract:Lime mud is a kind of hazardous industrial solid wastes from the alkali recovery process. It is primarily composed of CaCO3 and classified as calcium-rich materials. The ceramsites manufacture technology using large dosage of lime mud and silicate minerals as raw materials was provided in this study. For the prepared ceramsites, the bulk density was in the range of 0.724~0.783 g/cm3; the apparent density was in the range of 1.085~1.218 g/cm3 and the apparent porosity was in the range of 49.49%~52.58%, in dicating its light weight and process property. The technology has high economic benefits and social benefits, which might be a comprehensive utilization technology of lime mud. |
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