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国产全自动造纸表面施胶淀粉连续制备系统 |
Domestic Full-Automatic Continuous Preparation System of Paper Surface Sizing Starch |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.04.010 |
关键词: 表面施胶淀粉 全自动连续制备系统 节能降耗 |
Key Words:surface sizing starch full-automatic continuous preparation system energy saving and consumption reduction |
基金项目:中轻集团2016年度科技创新基金。 |
摘要点击次数: 6611 |
全文下载次数: 3219 |
摘要:介绍了自主研发、制造的全自动造纸表面施胶淀粉连续制备系统的工艺流程、控制要点及优势,采用该自主研发的全自动连续制备系统制备表面施胶淀粉,成胶质量稳定、节能降耗,与间歇制备系统相比,每吨淀粉电耗节省50%以上、汽耗节省20%以上。 |
Abstract:This paper introduced the technological process, control key points and advantages of the full-automatic preparation system of paper surface sizing starch which was independently researched and developed. The surface sizing starch prepared by the system had a stable quality independent research and development of the full-automatic preparation compared with the batch preparation system, the energy consumption and steam consumption were reduced by more than 50% and 20%, respectively. |
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