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轻型纸印刷的图书书页发长问题的分析与对策 |
Analysis and Countermeasures of the Problem of Elongation of Book Pages Printed on Munken Paper |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.04.013 |
关键词: 图书 轻型纸 书页发长 分析与对策 |
Key Words:Munken paper elongation of book pages analysis and countermeasures |
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摘要点击次数: 6184 |
全文下载次数: 1913 |
摘要:随着图书选用轻型纸印刷的情况增多,图书书页发长的问题突现出来,书店摆放的新书、出版社编辑书柜陈列的样书、作者收到刚出版的样书、质检中检查的参评样书,图书书页发长问题普遍存在。本文针对轻型纸印刷的图书书页发长的问题进行了初步分析、研究,认为导致这一现象的原因主要有轻型纸品质、纸厂生产控制、纸张管理、图书印刷、图书成品包装及仓储等,提出出版社应该对纸张生产、销售及使用环节提出严格要求,纸厂、纸张销售公司及印刷厂应规范管理有关环节等方面的相应对策,以期对提高轻型纸印刷的图书质量有所帮助。 |
Abstract:With the increasing use of Munken paper in book printing, the problem of elongation of book pages is prominent. It is ubiquitous in the books neatly stacked in bookstores, the editors copies displayed in their bookcase, the advance copies newly sent to the writers, and the sample books checked in book quality inspections. This article carried out a preliminary study on this problem. Five causes, including the characteristics of Munken paper, the paper manufacture, the paper management, the printing technology, and the book packing and storage, were analyzed. And then four countermeasures were suggested, i.e., the press should assert strict requirements on production, transaction and use of the paper; the paper manufacturer, sales company and printing factory also should standardize paper management. |
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