Application of Enzyme Converted Starch in Carbonless Base Paper Production
关键词:  酶转化淀粉  淀粉酶;无碳复写纸原纸;挺度;表面强度
Key Words:enzyme converted starch  amylase  carbonless base paper  stiffness  surface strength
齐云洹 河南银鸽实业投资股份有限公司,河南漯河462000 
张 杨 河南银鸽实业投资股份有限公司,河南漯河462000 
丁雪峰 河南银鸽实业投资股份有限公司,河南漯河462000 
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全文下载次数: 1940
摘要:对酶转化淀粉代替氧化淀粉在无碳复写纸原纸的应用进行了探讨。确定了酶转化淀粉中液体生物淀粉酶的用量为500 mL/t淀粉、酶反应时间为15~20 min、灭活温度为95℃、灭活保温时间为10 min 的酶转化工艺以及酶转化淀粉熬制工艺。中试结果表明,与使用氧化淀粉相比,采用酶转化淀粉表面施胶后成纸的纵向挺度增加约30 mN·mm、表面强度增加约0.1 m/s,吨纸成本可降低53.5元。
Abstract:The application of enzyme converted starch to take place of oxidized starch in carbonless base paper production was studied. The optimum enzyme conversion conditions were as follows, the amylase dosage was 500 mL/t starch, reaction time was 15~20 minutes, inactivation temperature was 95℃, inactivation time was 10 minutes. The preparation process conditions of the enzyme converted starch were determined as well. The pilot plant test showed that compared with using oxidized starch, the longitudinal stiffness increased about 30 mN·mm, the surface strength increased about 0.1 m/s, the cost of the paper per ton saved 53.5 yuan when the enzyme converted starch was used as surface sizing agent.
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