Preparation of Surfactants from Waste Oil and Application in Flotation Deinking
关键词:  废弃食用油  表面活性剂  酰胺类表面活性剂  季铵盐表面活性剂
Key Words:waste oil  deinking agent  amide surfactants  quaternary ammonium salt surfactants
唐 振 大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院辽宁大连116034 
胡 硕 大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院辽宁大连116034 
孙广卫* 大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院辽宁大连116034 
韩 颖 大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院辽宁大连116034 
周景辉 大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院辽宁大连116034 
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摘要:以废弃食用油(简称废油脂)为原料,合成了两种废纸脱墨常用的表面活性剂:脂肪酰胺丙基二甲基胺和脂肪酰胺型季铵盐;通过条件实验获得两种表面活性剂的最佳合成条件;考察了两种表面活性剂对旧报纸的浮选脱墨效果,并与市售表面活性剂(AEO-9和皂钠)进行比较。结果表明,脂肪酰胺丙基二甲基胺的最优合成条件为:反应温度110℃,反应时间2 h,物料摩尔比1∶1.1,转化率62%;脂肪酰胺型季铵盐的最优合成条件为:以异丙醇作溶剂,反应温度72℃,反应时间0.5 h,溶剂用量20%,转化率82.7%。两种表面活性剂单独使用时,脱墨后纸浆白度均高于采用市售表面活性剂AEO-9和皂钠的,两种表面活性剂以1∶1比例复配后使用,脱墨后纸浆白度可达54.3%,这两种表面活性剂均可与AEO-9复配使用,且效果比单独使用AEO-9时纸浆白度可分别提高7.3个百分点和5.6个百分点。
Abstract:Two kinds of surfactants fatty amide propyl dimethyl amine and fatty amide type quaternary ammonium salt could be synthesized by waste edible vegetable oil (Abbreviation: waste oil). The optimal conditions of synthesizing fatty amido propyl dimethyl amine were obtained by conditional experiments with temperature of 110℃, time of 2 h, material ratio of 1∶1.1, conversion rate of 62%; the optimal conditions of synthesizing fatty acid type quaternary ammonium salt using isopropyl alcohol as solvent were determined as the follows: temperature 72℃, time 0.5 h, solvent content 20%, conversion rate 82.7%. This paper verified the deinking effenciencies of these two surfactants for old newspaper, and compared their deinking results with AEO-9 and commercial soap. Results showed that the deinked pulp brightness using these two surfactants separately was superior to AEO-9 and commercial soap, the brightness of the pulp deinked with the mixture of these two surfactants in the ratio of 1∶1 could reached to 54.3%, these two surfactants mixed with AEO-9 separately could achieve 6 and 6 percentage points higher brightness than using AEO-9 alone.
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