A Heat Conduction Model of a Rectangular Ribbed Dryer
关键词:  肋槽烘缸  导热模型  传热特性
Key Words:ribbed dryer  heat conduction model  heat transfer characteristics
师晋生1 1.天津科技大学机械工程学院,天津300222 
张巧珍2 2.天津科技大学理学院,天津300457 
卞学询1 1.天津科技大学机械工程学院,天津300222 
摘要点击次数: 6949
全文下载次数: 2855
Abstract:The heat transfer process of a rectangular ribbed dryer was investigated. Considering the different heat transfer coefficients on surfaces of the rib wall and bottom duct, a heat conduction model was presented based on definite difference method. With calculation results about a series of working conditions, the effect of geometry scale of the rib on the dryer heat transfer characteristics was analyzed. It was shown that a wider rib might increase the heat transfer rate of the dryer. Increment of rib height might result in a higher heat transfer rate of the dryer at smaller heat transfer coefficient on the rib surfaces, but a lower heat transfer rate of the dryer at higher heat transfer coefficient on the rib surfaces, it probably due to the decrease of convention heat resistance slower than the increase of heat conduction resistance on the rib surface. The rib efficiency and temperature uniformity of the outer surface of the dryer also had the similar characteristics.
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