Current Situation of Research on Phthalic Acid Esters Plasticizers in Food Contact Plant Fiber Materials
关键词:  纸质包装材料  增塑剂  邻苯二甲酸酯类  迁移实验  检测方法
Key Words:paper packaging materials  plasticizers  phthalic acid esters  migration test  detection methods
张 倩 厦门市产品质量监督检验院,福建厦门,361004 
摘要点击次数: 6581
全文下载次数: 2074
摘要:从迁移条件与检测方法两个方面介绍了近年来国内外学者关于植物纤维食品接触材料中邻苯二甲酸酯类(Phthalic Acid Easters,PAEs)增塑剂的研究现状,选择合适的迁移实验条件并建立高灵敏度、低检出限的检测方法是近年来相关学者在研究中的工作重点,但仍有待于深入开展。同时该方面研究还证实了植物纤维食品接触材料中PAEs类增塑剂的存在并且危害消费者健康,对我国相关生产企业具有警示作用,也为国家尽快发布植物纤维类食品接触材料中增塑剂限量或特定迁移限量,并制定相关迁移实验与检测方法的法规标准提供参考依据。
Abstract:The literatures in recent years about phthalic acid easters (PAEs) plasticizers in food contact paper materials were introduced from two aspects, migration test condition and detection methods. Proper migration testing condition and detection methods with high sensitivity have been the focused points of domestic and overseas scholars, but still need to be further studied. Meanwhile, the published research works proved the existence of PAEs plasticizers in paper materials harm to consumers, it was an early warning signal for paper material manufacturers, it also proved a reference for drafting the regulation and standards about specific migration limit and detection method of PAEs plasticizers of food contact paper materials including paper packaging materials, paper container and paper towel in China.
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