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浅析根本原因分析技术在制浆造纸企业的应用 |
Equipment Failure Root Cause Analysis Technique Based on Reason Model and Its Application in Pulp and Paper Industry |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.05.011 |
关键词: 根本原因分析 因子分析 瑞士奶酪模型 分析技术 |
Key Words:root cause analysis factor analysis Swiss Cheese Model analysis technique |
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摘要点击次数: 6819 |
全文下载次数: 2000 |
摘要:本文介绍了一种原理上基于Reason模型、应用于制浆造纸企业的设备故障根本原因分析技术,该技术描述了设备缺陷在潜在条件触发、主动失效产生及纵深防御失效时缺陷发展为故障的轨迹。通过收集国内某大型造纸企业典型设备故障案例,并尝试利用因子分析、聚类分析等统计方法,以概念抽象化方式处理的设备各种失效形式,借用美国能源部的能源企业设备故障原因分类方法,为制浆造纸企业进行设备故障分析和信息化处理提供了分类依据。在参考其他行业应用经验的基础上,提出了一种适用于制浆造纸企业设备故障根本原因分析的流程。并总结了该技术在制浆造纸企业应用的理论贡献及应用于其他过程生产企业的前景。 |
Abstract:This paper introduced a kind of equipment failure root cause analysis technique based on reason model which applied to pulp and paper enterprise maintenance. The trajectory of error must be aligned for any potential condition triggered, active failure happened and failure of defense-in-depth to occur. The common forms of equipment failure were analyzed through collecting paper enterprise cases, and tried to take advantage of factor analysis and clustering analysis methodology to build the abstract concept of various failure forms processing, using the root cause classification catalogue quoted from USA DOE rule as the basis for pulp and paper enterprises equipment failure root cause analysis information process, and RCA analysis for pulp and paper equipment failure was introduced. |
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