Strength Properties and Yellowing Performances of the Paper Made of High Yield Pulp and Titanium Dioxide Loaded on Ceramic Fiber Matrix
关键词:  高得率浆  陶瓷纤维  TiO2  强度性能  返黄
Key Words:high yield pulps  ceramic fiber  TiO2  strength properties  yellowing
胡嘉驹1,2 1.中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所国家林业局林产化学工程重点开放性实验室生物质化学利用国家工程实验室江苏省生物质能源与材料重点实验室,江苏南京2100422.华东理工大学材料科学与工程学院,上海200237 
房桂干1,* 1.中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所国家林业局林产化学工程重点开放性实验室生物质化学利用国家工程实验室江苏省生物质能源与材料重点实验室,江苏南京210042 
李 蔚2 2.华东理工大学材料科学与工程学院,上海200237 
沈葵忠1 1.中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所国家林业局林产化学工程重点开放性实验室生物质化学利用国家工程实验室江苏省生物质能源与材料重点实验室,江苏南京210042 
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摘要:论文探讨了负载TiO2陶瓷纤维与高得率浆混抄对纸张强度性能、光学性能和抑制返黄性能的影响。结果表明,陶瓷纤维负载不同尺寸的TiO2 (普通TiO2和纳米TiO2)对纸张性能的影响存在明显差异。相同的无机物加填量时,负载纳米TiO2陶瓷纤维与高得率浆混抄纸张的抗张强度、耐破强度、撕裂度和层间结合强度等强度性能优于负载普通TiO2的纸张,但光学性能(白度和不透明度)、抑制返黄性能均不如负载普通TiO2的纸张。把负载普通TiO2的陶瓷纤维与高得率浆中进行混抄,可以显著提高纸张的白度、不透明度及抑制返黄性能;当无机物加填量33.8%时,对高得率浆纸张的返黄抑制度达到81.3%(基于PC值的降低)。
Abstract:In this paper, the effects of mixing TiO2 loaded on ceramic fiber matrix with high yield pulp on the strength, optical properties and the inhibition of brightness reversion resultant paper were studied. It was shown that the properties of the paper containing ordinary TiO2 were different from that containing nano-TiO2. At the same inorganic content in the paper, strength properties (tensile strength, burst index, tear index and bonding strength) of the nano-TiO2 contained paper were all better than that of the TiO2 contained paper, but its optical properties (brightness and opacity) and yellow-inhibiting properties were lower than that of the TiO2 contained paper. The optical and yellow-inhibiting properties of the paper could be improved obviously by adding TiO2loaded on ceramic fiber matrix into the high yield pulps, and a yellow-inhibition of 81.3% (in term of the PC drop) was obtained at inorganic content of 33.8%.
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