Study on the Start-up of EGSB Reactor and the Characteristics of Granular Sludge in the Treatment of Bamboo Pulp Wastewater
关键词:  EGSB反应器  竹浆制浆废水  启动  颗粒污泥
Key Words:expanded granular sludge blanket(EGSB) reactor  bamboo pulp wastewater  start up  granular sludge
刘 春 四川理工学院造纸科学与技术研究所,四川自贡,643000 
管秀琼 四川理工学院造纸科学与技术研究所,四川自贡,643000 
张 岚 四川理工学院造纸科学与技术研究所,四川自贡,643000 
何俊辰 四川理工学院造纸科学与技术研究所,四川自贡,643000 
张永康 四川理工学院造纸科学与技术研究所,四川自贡,643000 
王 刚 四川理工学院造纸科学与技术研究所,四川自贡,643000 
周斯妤 四川理工学院造纸科学与技术研究所,四川自贡,643000 
摘要点击次数: 6390
全文下载次数: 2316
摘要:分析了厌氧膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)反应器处理竹浆制浆废水有机物的降解过程和启动规律,并对启动过程中厌氧颗粒污泥的基础性质、形态特征和微生物相进行了探讨和表征。结果表明,在废水水质逐渐变化和废水浓度逐渐提升的过程中,EGSB反应器对竹浆制浆废水COD有良好的去除效果,启动完成后期,CODCr去除率保持在68.5%以上,出水pH值为7.8~8.0,稍高于进水,反应器容积负荷为13.50 kg CODCr/(m3·d),且处理后竹浆制浆废水获得了更佳的可生物降解性,其BOD/COD值较原水提高了46.9%;较接种污泥,启动后期颗粒污泥总量呈减少趋势,且沿反应器高度自下而上逐渐减少,而VS/TS值,中部污泥82.4%,顶部污泥73.5%,底部污泥56.7%,接种污泥44.6%,颗粒污泥活性较大程度改善;同时,启动后期颗粒污泥Ca含量的大幅度减少,Mg、Fe、Zn等含量的增加,也对改善反应器内污泥外观、尺寸、沉降性、强度及微生物群落的构建起到一定作用。
Abstract:The organics degradation process and start-up law of an anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor for treating bamboo pulping wastewater were analyzed. Meanwhile, the characteristics of anaerobic granular sludge during the reactor’s start-up period were also investigated. The results showed that EGSB reactor had good effect on the organic pollutant removal of bamboo pulping wastewater during wastewater property changed and concentration increased gradually. At the later stage of start-up, the removal rate of CODCr was above 68.5%, the pH value of effluent was 7.8~8.0 slightly higher than influent, and the volume load of reactor was 13.50 kg COD/(m3·d). In addition, bamboo pulping wastewater also had the better biodegradability after treatment by EGSB reactor due to its higher B/C ratio, which increased by 46.9% compared to raw water. Compared with inoculated sludge at the later stage of start-up, the total solid content of granular sludge in reactor showed a decreasing trend and reduced gradually along the height of reactor. While sludge activity improved largely, regarding to the VS/TS ratio of sludge, 82.4% of central zone>73.5% of the top>56.7% of the bottom>44.6% of inoculated sludge. At the same time, the greatly reduction of calcium content and increase of magnesium, iron, zinc contents all played a positive role in perfecting the sludge characteristics in the reactor and construction of its microbial communities.
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