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纸类产品的生命周期评价 |
Life Cycle Assessment of Paper Products——A Review |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.06.014 |
关键词: 纸类产品 环境影响 生命周期评价 |
Key Words:paper products environmental impact life cycle assessment |
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摘要点击次数: 8552 |
全文下载次数: 3588 |
摘要:制浆造纸业的资源能源消耗量大,且环境污染。生命周期评价方法广泛用于识别分析纸类产品的潜在环境影响,但该方法的理论体系仍存在尚待解决的问题。通过回顾近年来发表的部分相关中英文期刊文献,总结了这些文献的主要结论,并基于文献初步探讨了生命周期评价方法的选择对结论可能产生的影响。 |
Abstract:Pulping and paper making industry consumes large amount of resources and energy while making heavy pollution with current technology. Life cycle assessment(LCA) has been widely used to identify and analyze the potential environment impacts of paper products. However, LCA method is still immature with many unsolved problems. Through reviewing the literatures which have been published recently, the main conclusions in those papers are summarized. The difference of LCA methods applied may have influence on the conclusion. |
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