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精筛断轴案例分析及轴类零件国产化探讨 |
Case Analysis of L-screen Shaft Rupture and Discussion on Localization of Shaft Parts Supply |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2017.07.010 |
关键词: 紧定套 疲劳断裂 堆焊 国产化 |
Key Words:adapter sleeve fatigue fracture surfacing localization |
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摘要点击次数: 6226 |
全文下载次数: 1929 |
摘要:某公司脱墨浆车间一段精筛在两周内接连出现了两次设备事故,一次是连接轴头与转子的紧定套松动,另一次是轴头断裂,导致长时间停机。本文从事故的处理方法入手,分析事故发生的原因,制定防范类似事故发生的举措,并浅谈轴类零件国产化过程中的关键因素。 |
Abstract:The L-screen in DIP workshop of our company has occured two times equipment accident in two weeks. The first was a sleeve connecting shaft and rotor loose, and another was shaft rupture,caused a long time machine halt. In this paper, the cause of the accident were analyzed and the measures to prevent similar accidents were established. Finally the key factors in the localization of shaft parts supply were discussed. |
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