Influence of High Gloss on Color Prediction Model of Aluminized Paper
关键词:  镀铝纸  高光泽特性  几何条件  光谱配色数据库
Key Words:aluminzed paper  high gloss characteristic  geometrical conditions  spectral color matching database
鲍 蓉1 1.兰州石化职业技术学院印刷出版工程系甘肃兰州730060 
赵德方2 2.武汉大学印刷与包装系湖北武汉430079 
摘要点击次数: 6812
全文下载次数: 2008
摘要:镀铝纸表面由于具有高光泽特性,当入射光照射其表面时会有较强的镜面反射发生,进而导致颜色测量不准而使其颜色质量难以控制,这给镀铝纸印刷品颜色质量的准确客观评价带来了极大的困难。为了得到符合镀铝纸印刷品颜色评价方法,本研究使用不同测量几何条件(45/0、d/8)的分光光度计建立镀铝纸光谱配色数据库,基于Kubelka-Munk理论,采用线性内插法研究镀铝纸印刷品颜色预测模型。实验结果表明,与X-rite SpectroEye(45/0)分光度计相比,采用ColorEye 7000A(d/8)的台式分光度计能够减少镀铝纸表面高光泽特性对光谱理论(预测)值的影响。根据线性插值法确定单位浓度的K/S值时,低浓度的线性插值运算较高浓度的线性插值运算所求出的光谱理论值与实测值之间的差异小,光谱反射曲线能够较好地吻合。
Abstract:Aluminzed paper has high gloss characteristic. It will have a strong specular reflection when the incident light illuminates on the surface, which leads to inaccurate color measurement and difficulty of color quality control. So it brings great difficulties to the accurate evaluation of color quality of the prints on aluminized paper. In order to get a suitable evaluation method of the printing color on aluminized paper, this paper used spectrophotometers of different geometric conditions (45, d/8) to build color spectral color matching database of aluminized paper and used the linear interpolation method to research prediction model of aluminized paper printing color based on Kubelka-Munk theory. Experimental results showed that it was more accurate to use ColorEye 7000A(d/8) to measure spectralreflectance of aluminzed paper compared with using X-rite SpectroEye(45/0). The difference was small between the calculated spectral prediction value and the actual measured value according to the high concentrationlinear interpolation method, which could be used as the spectral prediction model of color evaluation of aluminized paper.
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