Manufacture of Low Density Printing Paper Using Wheat Straw Chemical Pulp
关键词:  低白度麦草化学浆  轻型印刷纸  合成硅酸钙
Key Words:low brightness wheat straw chemical pulp  low density printing paper  synthetic calcium silicate
张 权1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
彭建军1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
陈雪梅1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
陈铃华1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
沈臻煌1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
摘要点击次数: 6437
全文下载次数: 2030
摘要:以高孔隙率合成硅酸钙为填料,以生产轻型印刷纸常用的纸浆配比为基础,逐步提高纸浆中低白度麦草化学浆的比例,考察以100%低白度麦草化学浆加填合成硅酸钙抄造轻型印刷纸的可行性。结果表明,以高孔隙率合成硅酸钙为填料、低白度麦草化学浆配抄轻型纸时,随着麦草化学浆逐渐替代化学木浆和化机浆,填料留着率呈上升趋势,手抄片的不透明度、抗张强度和抗水性均逐渐提高,松厚度稍有下降,白度下降;以100%麦草化学浆加填合成硅酸钙采用动态纸页成形器抄造轻型印刷纸并压光至所要求的平滑度时,与常规浆料配比加填PCC在相同条件下抄造的轻型纸相比,松厚度从1.74 cm3/g提高到1.88 cm3/g,抗张指数从34.2 N·m/g提高到44.5 N·m/g,吸水值从47.0 g/m2降低到35.9 g/m2,不透明度基本保持不变,高达92.6%,白度从80.3%降低到71.7%,符合轻型印刷纸的白度要求。综合来看,麦草化学浆加填合成硅酸钙抄造轻型印刷纸,成纸质量较好。
Abstract:Manufacture of low density printing paper using low brightness wheat straw chemical pulp mixed with CTMP as fiber saw material and synthetic calcium silicate as fiber was studied. The results showed that, with the proportion of wheat straw chemical pulp increasing gradually, the retention rate of filler, the opacity, tensile strength and water resistance of the handsheet showed an increasing tendency, the bulk and brightness of handsheet decreased. Under similar smoothness condition compared with conventional low density printing paper made of mixed wood pulp and PCC, the low density printing paper made of low brightness wheat straw chemical pulp and synthetic calcium silicate and prepared by using dynamic sheet former had better quality, the bulk increased from 1.74 cm3/g to 1.88 cm3/g, the tensile strength increased from 34.2 N·m/g to 44.5 N·m/g, the Cobb60 decreased from 47.0 g/m2 to 35.9 g/m2, the opacity kept stable, and the brightness decreased from 80.3% to 71.7%.
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