Study on the Extraction of Hemicellulose from Bagasse by Alkali Solution and Subsequent Cooking
关键词:  蔗渣  半纤维素  碱抽提  蒸煮
Key Words:bagasse  hemicellulose  alkali extraction  cooking
李亚辉 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
雷以超* 华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室广东广州510640 
摘要点击次数: 6924
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摘要:蔗渣含有丰富的半纤维素,制浆过程中,大部分半纤维素溶解到黑液中,为了提高这部分半纤维素的应用价值,本研究对蔗渣采用冷碱抽提半纤维素并进行低固形物蒸煮,探索合适的抽提蔗渣半纤维素的工艺。结果表明,当碱浓度在40~200 g/L,液比8∶1,抽提时间1 h,半纤维素的抽提率先随碱浓的提高而增加,当碱浓度在100 g/L时,半纤维素抽提率达到最大,随后开始缓慢下降。在抽提过程中,碱的消耗也随着半纤维素抽出的增加而增加;在总用碱量保持不变的情况下,碱浓度40~60 g/L抽提后蒸煮得率与传统蒸煮方法相比稍有下降,浆料中半纤维素含量也稍有下降,碱浓度80~100 g/L抽提后蒸煮得率有明显下降,并且浆料中半纤维素的含量很低;碱浓度60 g/L抽提后蒸煮的脱木素效率提高,在碱浓度80~100 g/L抽提时,因蒸煮用碱不够,蒸煮脱木素效率下降。为保障蔗渣浆的质量,可采用碱浓度40~60 g/L在蒸煮前抽提半纤维素。
Abstract:Bagasse contains rich hemicelluloses. Most of hemicelluloses were dissolved in black liquor during pulping. In order to improve the application value of this part of hemicelluloses, hemicelluloses were extracted by sodium hydroxide solution at room temperature prior to alkaline pulping. When the alkali concentration of 40~200 g/L, liquor to bagasse ratio of 8∶1 and extraction time of 1 h were applied, the extraction yield of hemicelluloses first increased with increasing alkali concentration. At the alkali concentration of 100 g/L, the hemicelluloses extraction yield reached its maximum value and then declined slowly with increasing alkali concentration. During extraction, the consumption of alkali increased with increasing extraction yield of hemicelluloses. If keeping the total alkali dosage constant, when the alkali concentration of 40~60 g/L was used, the pulping yield decreased a little, the content of hemicelluloses in pulp also decreased a little compared with traditional pulping. However, with the alkali concentration of 80~100 g/L, the pulping yield decreased sharply, it was found the content of hemicelluloses in pulp was very low. The delignification efficiency was improved after extraction with alkali concentration of 60 g/L, but decreased as the alkali concentration of 80~100 g/L because of the insufficiency of alkali dosage. In order to guarantee the quality of the bagasse pulp, it was recommended to extract hemicelluloses from bagasse prior to cooking with alkali concentration of 40~60 g/L.
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