Effect of Phosphate Esterification of Cotton Pulp on Its Beating Performance
关键词:  棉浆纤维  纤维素磷酸酯  酯化剂  微观结构
Key Words:cotton fiber  cellulose phosphate  esterification agent  microstructure
钱 丽 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西科技大学轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心陕西西安710021 
王 建 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西科技大学轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心陕西西安710021 
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摘要:以棉浆纤维为原料,混合磷酸盐Na2HPO4-NaH2PO4为酯化剂,制备纤维素磷酸酯,研究酯化剂用量、反应温度、时间、pH值等对纤维润胀性能和取代度的影响。结果表明,制备纤维素磷酸酯的最佳条件为:酯化剂用量12%,反应温度120℃,反应时间1.5 h,pH值6.0、酯化剂配比1∶1,尿素用量4%,在此条件下,所制备的纤维素磷酸酯取代度为0.032,保水值从92.86%提高到134.12%;经磷酸酯化改性后的棉纤维表面发生了明显的局部塌陷与扭曲,破坏了束缚纤维细胞壁S2层的初生壁及次生壁外层S1,显著改善了棉纤维的打浆性能。
Abstract:Phosphate esterification of cotton pulp was carried out using Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4 as esterification agent. The optimum technology of cellulose phosphate esterification with half wet process was investigated by orthogonal experiments, and the DS of the product was analyzed by spectrophotometry. The optimum condition of cellulose phosphate esterification were as follows: the dosage of esterification agent 12%, reaction temperature 120℃, reaction time 1.5 h, pH 6.0, Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4 ratio 1∶1, dosage of urea 4%. Under this condition, the degree of substitution of cellulose phosphate was 0.032, the water retention value of the pulp increased from 92.86% to 134.12%; the surface of the cotton fiber after phosphate esterification had obvious local collapse and distortion, which were caused by the damage of the primary wall and outer layer of secondary wall of the fiber, which significantly improved the beating performance of cotton pulp.
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